Gustavia superba

Gustavia superba is an understory tree that grows in Central and north-western South America.
Common names include membrillo, sachamango and heaven lotus. The trunk is around 5-10m high with the leaves radiating from the top.


Gustavia superba grows naturally as an understory tree, where it is abundant, especially in secondary forests
. It appreciates abundant moisture, sun and well drained soil. It branches little until mature, and has a bunch of leaves at the top, so that it resembles a palm. Seeds are dispersed by agoutis. The leaves are a favourite food of iguanas.


It bears rounded pear shaped fruit, on the trunk. Inside the hard green shell are several large seeds about 4 cm in diameter. The yellowish-orange pulp is edible, is usually boiled after which it is said to resemble meat in taste. It is rich in A, B and C vitamins.


The tree is not widely known outside its native range from Ecuador to Panama and Venezuela, but has been planted in tropical botanical gardens, including in Singapore and Australia.