Gustav Wustmann
Gustav Wustmann was a German philologist and historian, born in Dresden, where he frequented the Kreuzschule, before studying philology at Leipzig in 1862–66. He then taught at the Nikolai Gymnasium in Leipzig until 1881, when appointed director of the municipal archives and city librarian. From 1879 he was also associate editor of the Grenzboten and in 1897 received the title of professor. He faced much opposition by his publication Allerhand Sprachdummheiten, Kleine deutsche Grammatik des Zweifelhaften, des Falschen und des Häßlichen. Besides a collection of poems, entitled Als der Großvater die Großmutter nahm, he edited a new adaptation of Wilhelm Borchardt’s Die sprichwörtlichen Redensarten im deutschen Volksmund nach Sinn und Ursprung erläutert.