Gustav Hermann Schmischke

Gustav Hermann Schmischke was a Gauleiter of the Nazi Party in the district of Anhalt.

Early life

Schmischke was born in Reichertswalde, East Prussia. After attending elementary school and high school, he earned a degree in medicine, which he completed. In 1913, he worked as a general practitioner.

Nazi Party

In 1925 he joined the Nazi Party and on 16 July 1925 he was entrusted with the leadership of the district of Anhalt. Once there had been differences within the local group in Dessau, he requested a dismissal order on 28 February 1927, this wasn't granted until April 1927. His successor was Paul Hofmann and Wilhelm Friedrich Loeper.
In 1942 he was called upon again. He was then head of public health in the district of Magdeburg. His fate is unknown.