The Dhauwurd Wurrung, also known as the Gunditjmara or Gunditjamara, are an Aboriginal Australian people of southwestern Victoria. They are the traditional owners of the areas now encompassing Warrnambool, Port Fairy, Woolsthorpe and Portland. Their land includes much of the Budj Bim heritage areas.
The Kerrup Jmara are a clan of the Gunditjmara, whose traditional lands are around Lake Condah. The Koroitgundidj are another clan group, whose lands are around Tower Hill.
Gunditjmara is formed from two words Gunditj an affix signifying 'belonging' and mara, their word for an aboriginal person of that area.Language
The Dhauwurd wurrung language is classified as one of the dialects of the Kuurn Kopan Noot language|Bungandeik/Kuurn-Kopan-Noot subgroup of Victorian languages. It consisted of five subdialects: Wullu wurrung, Gai wurrung, Gurngubanud, Peek wurrung, and Dhauwurd wurrung. The language in its several varieties, was spoken from Glenelg to the Gellibrand and through to roughly inland. Other generic terms for this linguistic complex refer to it as Kiriwurrung or the Warnambool language. Only three speakers were known to speak the language still by 1880, with another 4 still fluent in the Peek wurrung dialect. They had a form of avoidance speech called gnee wee banott which required special terms and grammar in conversations when a man and mother-in-law were speaking in each other's company.Thus, if one asked: 'Where are you going just now?'
This would be phrased in normal speech as:
- Wuunda gnin kitneean?
- Wuun gni gnin gninkeewan?
Way of life
The way of life of the Aboriginal people of Western Victoria differed from other Aboriginal Victorians in several respects. Because of the colder climate, they made, wore, and used as blankets, rugs of possum and kangaroo. They also built huts from wood and local basalt, with roofs made of turf and branches.Dreaming
The Gunditjmara believe that the landscape's features mark out the traces of a creator, Budj Bim, who emerged in the form of the volcano now called Mt Eccles. In a spate of eruption, the lava flows, constituting his blood and teeth, spilled over the landscape, fashioning its wetlands. 'High Head' still refers to the crater's brow, which can be accessed only by Gunditjmara men wearing special emu-feather footwear.Opposite, beyond the coastline, the island they call Deen Maar/Dhinmar held special value for its burial associations. A cave there, known as Tarn wirrung, is thought of as the mouth of a passage linking the mainland and the island.
In Gunditjmara funeral rites, bodies are enfolded in grass bundles and interred with their heads pointing to the island, with an apotropaic firebrand of native cherry wood. If grass was thereafter found outside the mouth of Tarn wirrung, it was regarded as evidence that the good spirit Puit puit chepetch had conveyed the corpse via the subterranean passage to the island, while guiding its spirit to the realm of the clouds. If the burial coincided with the appearance of a meteor, this was read as proof that the being in transit to the heavens had been furnished with fire. If grass was found at the cave when no one had been buried, then it was thought it showed someone had been murdered, and the cave could not be approached until the grass had been dispersed.
Social organisation
The Gunditjmara were divided into 59 clans, each with its headmen, a role passed on by hereditary transmission. They spoke distinct dialects, not all of them mutually intelligible, with the three main hordes located around Lake Condah, Port Fairy and Woolsthorpe respectively. The Gunditjmara groups are divided into two moieties, respectively the grugidj and the gabadj- boom
- direk
- gilger
Descent was matrilineal.
The following is a list of the Gunditjmara clans, taken from that in Ian D. Clark's work.No | Clan Name | Approximate Location |
1 | Art gundidj | Tarrone station, near Moyne Swamp |
2 | Ballumin gundidj | unknown |
3 | Bate gundidj | Junction of Stokes, Crawford and Glenelg Rivers |
4 | Biteboren gundidj | Grasmere station |
5 | Bokerer gundidj | Glenelg River |
6 | Bome gundidj | unknown |
7 | Bonedol gundidj | Ponedol Hills |
8 | Can can corro gundidj | south-southeast of Mount Rouse |
9 | Carnbul gundidj | southwest of Tahara station |
10 | Cart gundidj | Mount Clay |
11 | Cartcorang gundidj | Lake Cartcorang |
12 | Corry gundidj | unknown |
13 | Cupponenet gundidj | Mount Chaucer |
14 | Dandeyallum | Portland Bay |
15 | Direk gundidj | Condah Swamp |
16 | Gilgar gundidj | Darlots Creek |
17 | Kerup gundidj | Lake Condah |
18 | Kilcarer gundidj | Convincing Ground |
19 | Koroit gundidj | Tower Hill |
20 | Lay gundidj mallo | unknown |
21 | Mallun gundidj | Griffiths Island |
22 | Meen gundidj | unknown |
23 | Mendeet gundidj marayn | unknown |
24 | Moonwer gundidj | near Sisters Point, southwest ofKillarney |
25 | Moperer gundidj | Spring Creek |
26 | Mordoneneet gundidj | southwest or west-southwest ofMount Rouse |
27 | Morro gundidj | south of Mount Rouse |
28 | Mum keelunk gundidj | Boodcarra Lake, west of Goose Lagoon |
29 | Mumdorrong gundidj | Marm reserve, south of Lake Wangoom |
30 | Narcurrer gundidj | southwest of Crawford River |
31 | Nartitbeer gundidj | Dunmore station |
32 | Net net yune gundidj | southeast of Crawford River |
33 | Nillan gundidj | south-southwest of Mount Napier |
34 | Omebegare rege gundidj | junction of Merri River and Spring Creek |
35 | Pallapnue gundidj Their clan head was Koort Kirrup, | Stokes River |
36 | Peerracer | unknown |
37 | Ponungdeet gundidj | junction of Glenelg and Stokes Rivers |
38 | Pyipgil gundidj | Port Fairy townsite |
39 | Tarrerwung gundidj | mouth of Glenelg River. Clan head Mingbum |
40 | Tarerer gundidj | Tarerer, a swamp between Tower Hill and Merri River |
41 | Tarngonene wurrer gundidj | Surrey River |
42 | Teerar gundidj | southeast of Spring Creek station |
43 | Tolite gundidj | unknown |
44 | Tone gundidj | near Hopkins River |
45 | Ure gundidj | Portland township |
46 | Wane gundidj | Grasmere station |
47 | Wanedeet gundidj | Tahara and Murndal stations |
48 | Warerangur gundidj | Aringa station |
49 | Waywac gundidj | southwest of Mount Rouse |
50 | Weereweerip gundidj | east of Eumeralla River |
51 | Woortenwan | unknown |
52 | Worcarre gundidj | northeast of the head of Stokes River |
53 | Worerome killink gundidj | Macarthur |
54 | Worn gundidj | west of Mount Warrnambool |
55 | Yallo gundidj | junction of Crawford and Glenelg Rivers |
56 | Yambeet gundidj | Yambuk station |
57 | Yarrer gundidj | between Campbell's Merri River station and Allandale station |
58 | Yiyar gundidj | Mount Eckersley. |
59 | Yowen gundidj | Moyne River |
The Gunditjmara are traditionally river and lake people, with Framlingham Forest, Lake Condah and the surrounding river systems being of great importance to them economically and spiritually. Numerous distinct structures, extending over of the landscape, are employed for the purpose of farming short-finned eels, the staple of the Gunditjmara diet. These include stone races; canals; traps; stone walls; stone house sites and stone cairns. Some of the groundwork is older than the Egyptian pyramids. A controversy exists concerning the extent to which these features are the results of natural environmental processes or cultural modifications of the landscape by Indigenous people. Peter Coutts and others argued, in a work entitled Aboriginal Engineers of the Western District, Victoria, that numerous features show the handiwork of Aboriginal landscaping for economic purposes. This thesis was challenged as a mythical "romancing of the landscape" by Anne Clarke, one that confused natural processes with socially crafted infrastructure. However, fresh archaeological work by Heather Builth led to her contending that they had a sophisticated system of aquaculture and eel farming. They built stone dams to hold the water in these swampy volcanic areas, especially the area comprising the lava flow of the Budj Bim volcano, creating ponds and wetlands in which they harvested short-finned eels.The Budj Bim National Heritage Landscape, which includes both the Tyrendarra Area and the Mt Eccles – Lake Condah Area, comprising Budj Bim National Park was added to the National Heritage List on 20 July 2004, under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.
Several designated areas comprising the Budj Bim Cultural Landscape were added to the UNESCO World Heritage List in 2019.
In the wake of the burning of some 7,000 hectares of bushland around Lake Condah and in the Budj Bim National Park, further channel structures came to light.
They also created channels linking these wetlands. These channels contained weirs with large woven baskets made by women to cull mature eels. Professor Peter Kershaw, noted palynologist at Monash University, as cited by Bruce Pascoe in his best-selling work Dark Emu, found evidence of a sudden change in vegetation consistent with an artificial ponding system, and initial radiocarbon dating of the soil samples suggests the ponds were created up to 8,000 years ago.
The eels were prepared by smoking them with burning leaves from Australian blackwood. The coastal clans, like other tribes on the south-west coast, according to an early settler, Thomas Browne, had a rich fish diet, which included whale flesh,
In a study published in February 2020, new evidence produced by using a form of radiometric dating known as argon-argon dating, showed that both Budj Bim and Tower Hill volcanoes erupted at least 34,000 years ago. Specifically, Budj Bim was dated at within 3,100 years either side of 36,900 years BP, and Tower Hill was dated at within 3,800 years either side of 36,800 years BP. Significantly, this is a "minimum age constraint for human presence in Victoria", and also could be interpreted as evidence for the Gunditjmara oral histories which tell of volcanic eruptions being some of the oldest oral traditions in existence. An axe found underneath volcanic ash in 1947 was also proof that humans inhabited the region before the eruption of Tower Hill.The beginnings of contact with ngamadjidj date as far back as 1810, when whalers and sealers began to use Portland as a base area for their operations. Contact exposed the local people to epidemics from new diseases born by whites but otherwise was seasonal, and allowed time for demographic recovery.
The major turn in relations occurred with the arrival of, and settlement of their lands by, the Henty Brothers from 1834 onwards. Though much silence surrounded the massacres that took place, and, despite Boldrerwood's explicit testimony, some early historians dismissed the idea of a guerilla war.
Ian D. Clark has identified 28 massacre sites most of the colonialist slaughters taking place during the Eumerella War, so named when the phrase was used as a chapter heading in the memoirs of the novelist Rolf Boldrewood who squatted 50,000 acres near Port Fairy a decade after the main killings.
Sometime in 1833–1834, though the incident has been dated later, to around, 1839, whalers, perhaps 'tonguers,' are thought to have clashed with the Kilcarer Gundidj on the beach at Portland at a site that later became known as Convincing Ground in an incident now known as the Convincing Ground massacre. Various versions exist. The site earned its name either because whalers hashed out their disputes there, because some transaction took place between the indigenous people and whalers, or because disputes arose, either of whale flesh or of the use of native women. If the dispute was over the carcass of a beached whale, the whites may have wished to flense it while the natives may have insisted that it was theirs, as dictated by their ancient customs.
Estimates of the number of people killed in the dispute is unknown, varying from only a few to 30, 60 and as high as 200. All but two of the Kilcarer gundidj clan, Pollikeunnuc and Yarereryarerer, were said to have died. Robinson surmised many had been killed from encounters with 30 members of several different Dhauwurd wurrung clans. A minority view argued by Michael Connors, emerging in the context of Australia's recent History wars argues the figure of 200 dead misinterprets an 1841 report by the Portland Police Magistrate James Blair to Governor Latrobe referring to up to 200 Aboriginals amassing at Convincing Ground, and claims that modern research has fabricated the massacre. His arguments have been analysed, with a negative verdict by Ian D. Clark.
George Augustus Robinson, the official Protector of Aborigines, in travelling in this western area in 1841, reported that settlers in the districts spoke of 'dropping the Aborigines as coolly as if speaking of dropping birds.' The loss of numbers, and headsmen meant clans were forced to unite under other clans and their chieftains. Thus the wungit of the Yiyar clan Boorn Boorn assumed leadership of the Cart gunditj, the Kilgar gunditj and Eurite gunditj when their leadership was eliminated.
Rev Benjamin Hurst noted in a Weslayen Mission meeting in 1841 that in the Portland bay area 'it was usual for some to go out in parties on the Sabbath with guns, for the ostensible purpose of kangarooing, but, in reality to hunt and kill these miserable beings — the bones and the bodies of the slaughtered blacks had been found— but because the evidence of the native was not admissible in a court, the white murderers had escaped with impunity, and were still pursuing their career of crime and blood'.
Resisting dispossession, the Gunditjmara concentrated in the Stony Rises from which they waged guerilla warfare against the pastoralists usurping their lands, raiding their flocks and herds. Some protection was also afforded by the native protectorate set up at Mount Rouse, which the tribes used as a basis for their operations. A particular point of ire were settlements that took over sacred sites associated with Mount Napier, Lake Condah and Port Fairy.
Due to the ongoing battles in the 1840s, the Gunditjmara became well known as "The fighting Gunditjmara".
Table: reporting 28 massacres in Gunditjmara country1833/4 to ?
Date | Location | Aborigines involved | Europeans involved | Aboriginal Deaths reported |
1833 or 1834 | Convincing Grounds two miles west of the mouth of the Surrey River | Kilcarer gundidj clan | Whalers | from 60 to 200 people, decimating all but 2 tribespeople |
June 1838 | Merino Downs station, Wannon River, near Henty | unknown Gunditjmara clan | Joseph Bonsor, shepherd and hutkeeper, who had been waddied | 1 Gunditmara man |
October 1838 | Merino Downs station, Wannon River, near Henty | unknown Gunditjmara clan | William Heath, shepherd, killed | 1 Gunditmara man, stabbed with sheep shears. Oral version 40. |
October 1838 | Samuel Winter's station Spring Valley or Murndal, Wannon River, near Merino | unknown Gunditjmara clan | William Jefrey speared, while, with Charles Corrigan and, William Elliot, fighting a mob raiding for sheep | 2 Gunditmara men |
November 1838 | Samuel Winter's station Spring Valley or Murndal | unknown Gunditjmara clan | 7 whites set upon and shot an Aboriginal group of 20–30 camping at the Wannon River | 1 Gunditjmara youth wounded, fate unknown |
February 1840 | Merino Downs station, Wannon River, near Henty | unknown Gunditjmara clan | A shepherd named Blood maliciously wounded Woolangwang | 1 man, Woolangwang, died. |
Before 17 February 1840 | George Winter's Tahara station on the Wannon River and McLeods Creek, northeast of Merino | unknown Gunditjmara or Djab wurrung clan | George Winter and his men, one, Robinson known for his violence. He had dashed out the brains of an Aboriginal child. | 5 Gunditjmara or Djab wurrung men killed |
February / March 1840 | unknown | a presumed Gunditjmara man | A stockman employed by the Henty brothers | 1 Gunditjmara shot wantonly |
date unknown | Clover Flat, junction of junction of Bryan Creek. and the Wannon River, near Casterton. Called 'Murdering Flat'. | Either Gunditjmara or Jardwadjali. | Thought to have occurred after one of Francis Henty.'s shepherds was killed. | No. of victims unknown. |
Perhaps November 1840 | Wannon River, between the Sandford Bridge and junction with Glenelg River | Either Gunditjmara or Jardwadjali. | Connell, an overseer for the Henty brothers, whose stocks of flour were subject to stealing | 'dozens' reportedly killed by arsenic poisoning. |
Around 1841 | Picaninny Waterhole, Springbank, Glenelg River, south of Casterton | Elderly Gunditjmara | Tom, a shepherd for John Henty, who shot and then bayonetted to death a woman. | Narrerburnin, a wife of the Pallapnue gundidj headsman Koort Kirrup |
2 June 1841 | Valley of 'Cor.roit' | Wanedeet gundidj clan of the Gunditjmara | 3 shepherds working for W. J. Purbrick shot Aborigines after reportedly offering them damper. | 'Kitting', 'Marg', and 'Piccaninny Jemmy' |
date unknown | place unknown, perhaps identical to Murdering Flat above. | unknown clan of Gunditjmara | Shepherds working for either Edward Henty at Muntham or Francis Henty at Merino Downs, using poison. | 7 Gunditjmara: Bokarcarreep, Corroitleek, Joeingjoeingburmin, Loohechurning, Marnderremin, Tolort and Yangolarri |
3 January 1842 | Eumeralla station | Unknown Gunditjmara:clan | James Guthrie, overseer at the Eumeralla station | I Gunditjmara, shot dead while reportedly wielding a |
February 1842 | Tarrone station, Moyne River, some 12 miles north of Port Fairy | Yowen gundidj clan | 40 men formed a vigilante band, after 7 stockmen were faced by a milling mob of Aborigines at the station, and tracked them down to a camp, which they plundered while shooting those who fled. | 2 or 3. |
24 February 1842 | The junction of Lubra Creek and the Penshurst–Caramut road, at Caramut station | Moperer gundidj clan | 6 settlers attacked and killed 5 members of two families asleep among tea-trees by a stream off Mustons Creek and plundered their goods. 3 of the murderers were put on trial before a jury of mainly squatters in a court presided over by Redmond Barry and though the incident was well decumented, were deemed not guilty. | 4 women, Connyer, Natgoncher, Wenigoniber, Wooigouing, and 1 male child |
October 1842 | Tarrone station | Yowen gundidj clan | Dr James Kilgour who had established his station on the Yowen lands, mustered 40 men to take revenge for a shepherd's murder, and shot two or three in a camp.. Robertson, an overseer then supplied members of the tribe with flour laced with arsenic. | 9 killed: three men, three women and three children |
1842 | Warndaa ssite at Boggy Gully, near Black Swamp, just west of Merrang House, on the Hopkins River south of Hexham | Moperer gundidj clan | unknown | unknown |
1842 | near Donald McKenzie's station on the Crawford River | Net net yune gundidj clan | Donald McKenzie and Frederick Edinge had been killed 15 May 1842 and revenge was taken on an unknown number of Gunditjmara | Several. |
September 1843 | Headwaters of the Crawford River | Pallapnue gundidj clan | Australian native police under HEP Dana in retribution for the killing of Christopher Bassett in August 1843 and the theft of his flock. | 9 shot dead in two separate incidents. |
October 1843 | 8 miles from Mount Eckersley, on the road between Portland and Kanawalla | Gunditjmara | George D Lockhart of Kanawalla station had his dray stolen by attackers. Pursued by HEP Dana and his native police, of whom two wounded. | 2 Aborigines killed, one wounded |
25 January 1844 | Mullagh station, nearly 7 miles north of Harrow | clan unknown | Thomas Barrett was threatened with a liang by a Gunditjmara who wanted his bag of flour | 1 aboriginal, Jim, was shot dead |
20 May 1847 | Euremete and Lyne stations, near Branxholme | unknown clan of Gunditjmara | A GW Elms shepherd attacked. Subsequently, a group of settlers clashed with some men believed to be responsible | 2 dead |
April 1847 | Eumeralla district | Nillan gundidj clan, | Native Police Corps | Tarerer and Tykoohe |
1847 | Mount Eccles, | Gunjditjmara, clan.unknown | Settler vigilante group | An estimated 30 Aborigines, including babies. |
Between August 1843 and 1849 | Castlemaddie or Ettrick pastoral runs | Gunjditjmara, clan.unknown | William Learmonth, who had taken up 39,000 acres, and the Jamieson brothers, William and Robert | 1 Aborigine. |
unknown | Lake Gorrie, Squattleseamere | Gunjditjmara, clan.unknown | A groups of settlers led by Charles Hamilton Macknight who had just acquired 47,228 acres in the district, in retribution for the pillaging by 30 blacks of some stores. | unknown number |
1840s?-early 1850s? | Murderers Flat by Darlots Creek, Lake Condah mission | Kerup gundidj clan, | Unknown white gave the community a large bag of flour laced with arsenic. This is a Kerup clan tradition, though there are numerous difficulties with the version given by Rose Donker. | 20 men, women and children |
From the mid- late 19th century attempts were made to have them move into the Framlingham Aboriginal Station, a mission outside Warrnambool. This was unacceptable, it was located moreover on Girai wurrung land. 827 hectares were set aside for them at Lake Condah, and two decades later, in 1885, this reserve was expanded by a further 692 hectares. The tribe congregated here, until an act was passed to deny right of residence to any half-caste, resulting in the dispersal of many Gunditjmara kinsfolk, and the loss of their collective traditions, with the Condah mission numbers dropping drastically from 117 to 20.
The land was reclaimed in 1951 by the government and allocated to returnee soldiers.
In 2005 the area began to be bulldozed for groundwork for an eight-lot subdivision. The dispute was settled when the area was set aside as a reservation, in an agreement forged in February 2007.
Native title
In 1987, the Victorian Labor government under John Cain attempted to grant some of the Framlingham State Forest to the trust as inalienable title; however, the legislation was blocked by the Liberal Party opposition in the Victorian Legislative Council. The federal Labor government under Bob Hawke intervened, passing the Aboriginal Land Act 1987, which gave of the Framlingham Forest to the Framlingham Trust. Although the title is essentially inalienable, in that it can only be transferred to another Indigenous land trust, the Framlingham Trust has rights to prevent mining on the land, unlike trusts or communities holding native title.The Lake Condah Mission lands were also returned to the Gunditjmara on 1 January 1987, when the former reserve was vested to the Kerrup Jmara Elders Corporation. The transfer included "full management, control and enjoyment by the Kerrup-Jmara Elders Aboriginal Corporation of the land granted to it".
In 1993, the Peek Whurrong members of the Gunditjmara purchased the Deen Maar under the auspices of ATSIC for the Framlingham Aboriginal Trust, with the intention that it become an Indigenous Protected Area, it was granted this status in 1999. Becoming the first IPA in Victoria.
The Lake Condah Mob launched their Native Title Claim in August 1996.
On 30 March 2007, the Federal Court of Australia under Justice Anthony North determined on recognising the Gunditjmara People's non-exclusive native title rights and interests over of vacant Crown land, national parks, reserves, rivers, creeks and sea in the Portland region of Victoria's western district. between Dunkeld and Yambuk on Victoria's south-west coast were set aside to include the eastern Marr.
On 27 July 2011, together with the Eastern Maar people, the Gunditjmara People were recognised to be the native title-holders of the 4,000 hectares of Crown including Lady Julia Percy Island, known to them as Deen Maar.
Gunditj Mirring Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation
The Gunditj Mirring Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation is a Registered Native Title Body Corporate under the Commonwealth Native Title Act 1993, and a Registered Aboriginal Party under the Victorian Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006. The TOAC owns culturally significant properties across Western Victoria on behalf of the Gunditjmara community.Gunditjmara of note
- Geoff Clark, the first and only elected Aboriginal chairman of ATSIC
- Johnny Cuzens Member of the First XI Aboriginal Cricket Team
- Alfred Egan, the first indigenous player for Carlton and North Melbourne football clubs.
- Isaiah Firebrace, singer who won the eighth season of The X Factor Australia and represented Australia in the Eurovision Song Contest 2017. Firebrace's mother is Gunditjmara.
- Richard Frankland, playwright and musician.
- Dr Misty Jenkins, cancer researcher
- Chris Johnson, Brisbane Lions AFL player.
- Nathan Lovett-Murray, Essendon AFL player.
- Andrew Lovett, Essendon AFL player.
- Ted Lovett, who was awarded Order of Australia Medal for services to the indigenous community in south-west Victoria.
- Wally Lovett, Richmond and Collingwood AFL player.
- Norm McDonald, AFL player.
- Archie Roach, singer.
- Reg Saunders, the first Aboriginal commissioned officer in the Australian Army.
- Lidia Thorpe, Victorian Greens Politician, former MP for Northcote. First Aboriginal woman, a Gunai/Gunditjmara woman, elected to the Parliament of Victoria.
Alternative names
- Dhauhurtwurru
- Gournditch-mara, Gurnditschmara
- Kirurndit
- Ku:nditjmara
- Kuurn-kopan-noot
- Ngutuk
- Nil-can-cone-deets
- Port Fairy tribe..
- Spring Creek tribe
- Tourahonong
- Villiers tribe
- Weeritch-Weeritch
Some words
- kunang
- malang
- merrejig
- ngirang
- Ngutjung yangi-yangi ngutjung.
- paratj
- pipayi/bebì
- pundiya
- tarayl
- thatha
- thin wurn-ngayi
- thung
- tjiparak
- walat
- windha
- yul-yul
- yuwa