Griffon (framework)
Griffon is an open source rich client platform framework which uses the Java, Apache Groovy, and/or Kotlin programming languages. Griffon is intended to be a high-productivity framework by rewarding use of the Model-View-Controller paradigm, providing a stand-alone development environment and hiding much of the configuration detail from the developer.
The first release is the fruit of the effort by the Groovy Swing team and an attempt to take the best of rapid application development, as indicated by its Grails-like structure, the agility of Groovy, and the availability of components for Swing. The framework was redesign from scratch for version 2, allowing different JVM programming languages to be used either in isolation or in conjunction. Supported UI toolkits are
- Java Swing
- JavaFX
- Apache Pivot
- Lanterna
lazybones create
The generated project follows this structure:
+ griffon-app
+ conf ---> location of configuration artifacts like builder configuration
+ controllers ---> location of controller classes
+ i18n ---> location of message bundles for i18n
+ lifecycle ---> location of lifecycle scripts
+ models ---> location of model classes
+ resources ---> location of non code resources
+ views ---> location of view classes
+ src
+ main ---> optional; location for Groovy and Java source files
The builder infrastructure enables seamless integration of different widget libraries such as Swing, JIDE, and SwingX.
In the first release, three sample applications are included :
- Greet, a Groovy Twitter client featured in the JavaOne 2009 Script Bowl,
- FontPicker, an application to view the available fonts on one's machine,
- SwingPad, a lightweight designer application for Griffon user interfaces.
- Polyglot Programming with Java, Apache Groovy, Kotlin.
- SQL and NoSQL datastores like Berkleydb, CouchDB, Db4O, Neo4j, NeoDatis, Memcached and Riak.
Features that would eventually become integral parts of Griffon were featured in these books:- Groovy In Action
- Beginning Groovy and Grails
- Griffon In Action
- Beginning Groovy, Grails and Griffon
- GroovyMag for Groovy and Grails developers