Green Schools Alliance is an effort by primary and secondary schools worldwide to address climate change and conservation challenges by creating a peer-to-peer network of member schools committed to reducing their greenhouse gas emissions and accelerating the implementation of sustainable solutions. GSA member schools share and implement sustainabilitybest practices and promote connections between schools, communities, and the environments that sustain them. GSA does this by creating peer-to-peer forums, exchanging resources, offering original programs and curriculum, and connecting youth to nature. The sustainability coordinators that participate in the network are composed of faculty, staff, students, administrators, and other school decision makers.
The 501c3 nonprofit organization connects more than 9,000 schools, districts, and organizations worldwide, representing more than 5 million students in 48 U.S. states, the District of Columbia, and 88 countries. Schools are participating individually or and as entire school districts to share sustainability best practices and reduce their environmental footprint. In January 2016, 21 school districts formed the Green Schools Alliance District Collaborativewhich will harness the collective power of schools to support greener, more efficient solutions. These districts will build and share best practices, leverage their combined purchasing power to increase access to sustainable alternatives, promote market transformation, and influence policy decisions. Charter members of the District Collaborative affect the lives of 3.6 million children in 5,726 schools with more than 550 million square feet of building area. Membership to the GSA's online community is free. Schools and districts can also pledge the Sustainability Leadership where principals, heads of school, and superintendents pledge to take action in these areas: Reduce Our Climate & Ecological Impact, Educate & Engage Our Community, and Transform Our Culture.
GSA programs integrate education and action and aggregate and quantify progress. Using the building and campus as a teaching tool, students work alongside faculty and staff on projects from recycling, weatherizing, conducting energy audits, changing lights and replacing old boilers to improving science and technology education, restoring wetlands and planting green roofs. Best practices ripple outward from schools to families, to the workplace. GSA programs include: