Grönköpings Veckoblad

Grönköpings Veckoblad is a Swedish satirical monthly magazine. The name translates as "The Grönköping Weekly", or "The Greenville Weekly", Grönköping being a fictional Swedish town. The name Grönköping predates the magazine; it was first used by Albert Engström as a headline for some of his drawings in 1895.

History and profile

Founded in 1902 by Hasse Zetterström as a supplement to Söndags-Nisse, it became an independent magazine in 1916. The editor in chief of the magazine is Ulf Schöldström. The magazine is based in Stockholm.
The parody language Transpiranto, a caricature of Esperanto, was introduced in a 1929 article by Nils Hasselskog, "World language in Grönköping's school".
Grönköping has been characterized as a Sweden in miniature. Using bombastic and anachronistic language while purporting to describe and analyse current events in a serious manner, Grönköpings Veckoblad has become a Swedish institution and a standard for what is considered good satire.
The declared editorial stance is that they: "always agree with the government, especially when they are wrong."