Gotland Game Conference

Gotland Game Conference, previously known as the Gotland Game Awards, is an international conference, game exhibition and -competition for students. The event is held annually and marks the end of the academic year for the students at the Department of Game Design at Campus Gotland, Uppsala University. Here they can showcase everything that they have learned during the year to a jury consisting of professionals from the game development industry, the gaming press and academia.


The Department of Game Design on Gotland, Visby, has hosted a public event for displaying student projects since at least 2002. The event found a stable structure and was branded "Gotland Game Awards" in 2006 and re-branded "Gotland Game Conference" in 2011, when a presentation track was added and the event opened to public participation. In 2017 the GGC added an international summit for game educators — with the intention of annually gathering game educations from across the world to collaborate and share experiences.
The event can be seen as consisting of four separate parts ;

Game Awards

The Department of Game Design maintains a public database of all games and students that have been awarded at the Gotland Game Conference. It is not uncommon for students recognized at the GGC to go on and win other national- and international awards.

Game Awards (2018–)

People's Choice Awards

Special awards

Computer Animation Awards

Student Effort Awards