Good documentation practice

Good documentation practice is a term in the pharmaceutical and medical device industries to describe standards by which documents are created and maintained. While some GDP / GDocP standards are codified by various competent authorities, others are not but are considered cGMP. Some competent authorities release or adopt guidelines, and they may include non-codified GDP / GDocP expectations. While not law, authorities will inspect against these guidelines and cGMP expectations in addition to the legal requirements and make comments or observations if departures are seen.
In the past years, the application of GDocP is also expanding to cosmetic industry, excipient and ingredient manufacturers. the reasons of documentation Permanent traceable record. Consistent training. Consistent control over the operation. Regulatory authority. Control of deviation

GDP / GDocP standards

Documentation creation

From the regulatory guidance above, additional expectations or allowances can be inferred by extension. Among these are:
The competent authorities are empowered to inspect establishments to enforce the law and the interpretations of the law. Here are some examples where such enforcement has occurred that included departures from GDP:

Documentation not contemporaneous