Golden triangle (mathematics)

A golden triangle, also called a sublime triangle, is an isosceles triangle in which the duplicated side is in the golden ratio to the base side:


The golden triangle is used to form some points of a logarithmic spiral. By bisecting one of the base angles, a new point is created that in turn, makes another golden triangle. The bisection process can be continued infinitely, creating an infinite number of golden triangles. A logarithmic spiral can be drawn through the vertices. This spiral is also known as an equiangular spiral, a term coined by René Descartes. "If a straight line is drawn from the pole to any point on the curve, it cuts the curve at precisely the same angle," hence equiangular.

Golden gnomon

Closely related to the golden triangle is the golden gnomon, which is the isosceles triangle in which the ratio of the equal side lengths to the base length is the reciprocal of the golden ratio.
"The golden triangle has a ratio of base length to side length equal to the golden section φ, whereas the golden gnomon has the ratio of side length to base length equal to the golden section φ."
