Girl Scouts of Jamaica

Girl Scouts of Jamaica is a Christian faith based Scouting organization for girls in Jamaica founded on August 5, 2008. The girls-only organization is a member of the Order of World Scouts.
Membership is voluntary and open to all girls and young women regardless of creed, race, nationality or any other circumstance, provided that the member is willing and committed to uphold the promise and the law of the movement. Leaders must uphold the promise, law and constitution.


The Girl Scouts of Jamaica were established in August 2008, out of concerns about administration and the changing of the programme of the Girl Guides Association of Jamaica. The Girl Scouts of Jamaica desire was to have a democratic structure and to embrace the traditions of the eight point programme and camp craft. They joined the Order of World Scouts, with whom they shared ideals and vision, right after their October 2008 launch promise ceremony.


; The Promise
On my honour,
I promise that I will do my best:
To do my duty to God,
To serve my country and help other people,
And to obey the Scout Law

; The Law
A Scout's honour is to be trusted.
A Scout is loyal.
A Scout is helpful.
A Scout is a friend to all.
A Scout is courteous.
A Scout respects the environment.
A Scout obeys orders.
A Scout is cheerful under all difficulties.
A Scout is thrifty.
A Scout is pure in thought, word and deed.

; The Motto
Be Prepared
; The Promise Pin
The traditional fleur-de-lis is presented in Jamaican national colours. The fleur-de-lis is significant in two ways. In ancient Christian culture it was used to represent the Holy Trinity. In scouting it signifies the three-fold promise: "Duty to God", "Service to Man", "Obedience to the Law".

Age groups

The organization works with four age-groups:
The eight point programme offers a variety of activities for the girls to do in a variety of areas of interest. The eight points are similar at all levels, but the presentation changes to be suited to the age groups.
Peenie Wallies:DoctorbirdsGirl ScoutsAdults
are knowing and growingLet's be AwareLooking AheadIntelligence
enjoy listening and movingLet's get PhysicalPhysical FitnessFitness and Health
make a promiseLet's do it RightObeying the LawMorals and Values
enjoy making thingsLet's CreateCreativityCreative Expression
enjoy playing togetherLet's LoveRelationshipsSocial Skills
are ready to helpLet's ServeServiceService
enjoy helping at homeLet's do HomecraftHomecraft SkillsHomecraft and Hospitality
enjoy exploring and discoveringLet's enjoy our EnvironmentThe Environment and YouEnvironment

Each girl does challenges in each of the eight points and receives a progress award after completing an approved set of challenges.

National Service Project

The Girl Scouts of Jamaica have selected the Special Olympics Jamaica as their National Service Project for the period 2008-2012. Scouts at all age levels participate in fund-raising, while senior and junior scouts also help by volunteering at sporting events which are held all across the island.

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