Giovanni Scifoni

Giovanni Scifoni is an Italian actor and theatre director. After musical studies and first steps as a comic strip writer, he was selected to attend the Accademia Nazionale di Arte Drammatica Silvio D'Amico.
Right after graduation from the Accademia, he acted in various Italian tours of several national theater stars like Paolo Poli, Roberto Guicciardini, Sebastiano Lo Monaco and Patrick Rossi Gastaldi. He started also a collaboration as actor and director with the international company Gen Rosso.
He debuted in cinema with the Cannes-prized movie of Marco Tullio Giordana La meglio gioventù, acting as Berto.
The first starring role was in Mio figlio, followed by its sequel Io e mio figlio - Nuove storie per il commissario Vivaldi. Then followed several fiction movies.
As a theater actor and writer he got the "Golden Graal" prize "Astro Nascente del Teatro" in 2011.
