Giorgio Locchi was an Italian journalist and writer. He was among the founders of GRECE.
Also known by the pseudonym Hans-Jürgen Nigra, he was for a long time the Paris correspondent for the Italian newspaper Il Tempo. After graduating in law from the University of Rome, he moved to Paris in the mid-fifties. Here he came into contact with Alain de Benoist, with whom he created the ethnonationalist think-tank GRECE, also known as New Right. By this time he began to write for magazines like Éléments and . He also collaborated with several magazines and newspapers including La Destra, L'Uomo Libero and Secolo d'Italia. One of the leading exponents of New Right, he broke away from it because he was averse to democracy and a supporter of Conservative Revolutionary movement values. He was the author of several books translated into French, German and Spanish. His works revolved around Roman Empire, anti-Americanism and Nietzsche's anti-Christian thought. Among the best known of Locchi's workes is the Nietzsche, Wagner e il mito sovrumanista, which was counted among the classics of hermeneutic on Richard Wagner. His works influenced authors such as Guillaume Faye, Pierre Vial, Pierre Krebs, Robert Steuckers and Stefano Vaj.
Giorgio Locchi and Alain de Benoist, Il male americano, Roma, L.E.D.E.,.
Giorgio Locchi and Robert de Herte, Die USA, Europas missratenes Kind, München-Berlin, Herbig, cop.,.
Giorgio Locchi, L'essenza del fascismo, with an essay and interview by Marco Tarchi, Castelnuovo Magra, Edizioni del Tridente,.
Giorgio Locchi, Das unvergängliche Erbe, Kassel, Thule-Seminar,.
Giorgio Locchi, Nietzsche, Wagner e il mito sovrumanista, preface by Paolo Isotta, Napoli, Akropolis,.
Giorgio Locchi and Robert Steuckers, Konservative Revolution: Introducción al nacionalismo radical aleman, 1918-1932, Valencia, Ediciones Acebo Dorado,.
Giorgio Locchi, Definiciones : los textos que revolucionaron la cultura inconformista Europea, Molins de Rei, Barcelona Nueva República D.L.,.
Giorgio Locchi, Prospettive indoeuropee, Roma, Settimo Sigillo,.
Giorgio Locchi, Podstata fašismu, Praha, Délský potápěč,.
Giorgio Locchi, Adriano Romualdi, l'essence du fascisme et la conception sphérique du temps de l'histoire; Le parti de la vie : clercs et guerriers d'Europe et d'Asia, Saint-Genis-Laval, Éditions Akribeia,.