Gerrit Noordzij

Gerrit Noordzij is a Dutch typographer, typeface designer, and author.


Gerrit Noordzij began his career as a graphic designer and as a bookbinder's apprentice. Since then he has designed and authored dozens of books on typography and design. He also makes drawings, wood engravings, copper engravings, and inscriptions in stone and glass. In 1956 he was hired by the Amsterdam publishing house Querido, where he worked for two years designing many books and book covers. Most of the books published by Uitgeverij van Oorschot from 1978 onwards were also designed by Noordzij, and many of his type designs originated when designing these book covers. He has even written computer programs for Canon. Noordzij wrote and edited Letterletter, a journal in English for ATypI on the subject of typography.
From 1960 to 1990, Noordzij was a professor of typeface design at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in The Hague, Netherlands. From 1970 to his retirement in 1990, he was the director of the writing and lettering programme at the graphic design department.

The stroke of the pen

He introduced his own method of teaching typography and type design at the Royal Academy of Art, based on his theoretical system ′The stroke of the pen′. He presented this system in a booklet called The stroke of the pen: fundamental aspects of western writing, and further developed it in the Dutch booklet De Streek: Theorie van het schrift . Even though this theoretical model mostly concerns the written word, Noordzij applies it to printed type as well, as he defines typography as ′writing with prefabricated characters′. It is an analysis of the construction of letterforms, describing how most printing typefaces have their roots in handwriting. The method of teaching type design at the Royal Academy is still largely based on Noordzij's theoretical model today, as several of his former students are now the professors at the department.


The Gerrit Noordzij Prize, a prize given to typographers and type designers for extraordinary contributions to the field, is named after him. He was also the first person to receive this prize in 1996.
He also received the Laurens Janszoon Costerprijs in 2011.


This is only a selection of his publications.