Georges Belmont

Georges Belmont, born Georges Pelorson, was a French writer and literary translator. His translations from English to French included the work of Evelyn Waugh, Henry James, Henry Miller, Graham Greene, Anthony Burgess and Erica Jong into French. He also wrote ten novels and poetry collections, and worked as a journalist, founding the glossy celebrity magazine Jours de France.


Georges Pelorson was born in Belley, Bugey, the child of teachers. Educated at the ENS, he came to know Robert Brasillach, Thierry Maulnier, Samuel Beckett, André Gide and Jean Paulhan. He befriended Henry Miller, whose work he would translate. Briefly in the Vichy government in the second world war, he then became a journalist. After working as an editor at Paris Match, he founded and edited Jours de France in 1958.
Belmont collected and published the memoires of Proust's housekeeper, Céleste Albaret as Monsieur Proust. He published his own autobiography in 2001.

