General Mamerto Natividad

', officially the ', also known as Gen. M. Natividad, is a of the Philippines| in the province of,. According to the, it has a population of people.


In 1957, the barrios of Mataas na Kahoy, Balangkare Norte, Balangkare Sur, Sapang Kawayan, Magasawang Sampaloc, Talabutab Norte, Talabutab Sur, Platero, Belen, Pecaleon, Piñahan, Kabulihan, Pasong-Hari, Balaring, Pulong Singkamas, Panaksak, Bravo, Sapang Bato, Burol, Miller, Tila Patio, Pula, Carinay, and Acacia, in the City of Cabanatuan separated from the said city and constituted into a separate and independent municipality known as General Mamerto Natividad.


General Mamerto Natividad is politically subdivided into 20 barangays.
