General Jewish Labour Party

The General Jewish Labour Party was a Jewish socialist political party in Poland. The party was founded in Lvov in November 1931 by a leftwing group of the General Jewish Labour Bund in Poland in East Galicia, which upheld the idea of dictatorship of the proletariat, a faction of the Poale Zion Left and young left-wing Zionists. The party was aligned with the Communist Party of Poland. The party called for a workers government, equality for Jewish working people, education in Yiddish language for Jewish children in state schools, abolition of discrimination in the labour market and to struggle against anti-semitism.
The party was led by Zigmunt Stein.
The party was banned by the Ministry of Interior on July 16, 1934, a move welcomed by mainstream Jewish leaders in East Galicia. Several activists of the party were imprisoned for being members of the party. The party later merged into the Communist Party of Poland.