Gary Tabor

Dr. Gary Tabor is an American environmentalist with over 30 years' experience working on behalf of large scale conservation internationally as well as 12 years as a leader within the U.S. environmental philanthropic community. Tabor is known for his role as a catalyst in forwarding progress through large landscape conservation, pioneering the fields of Conservation Medicine and EcoHealth, and advising agencies and organizations about contemporary environmental issues.


Trained as a wildlife veterinarian and ecologist, Tabor graduated in 1981 with a B.Sc. in Ecology from Cornell University. He then went on to receive his V.M.D. in Wildlife Veterinary Medicine from the University of Pennsylvania in 1987. Tabor also received an M.E.S. in Conservation Biology from Yale University in 1992.


Tabor is the founder and Executive Director of the Center for Large Landscape Conservation, which was established in 2007.

Awards, appointments and philanthropic activities

·Chair, Connectivity Conservation Specialist Group, IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas
·2013-2014 Professional Fulbright Scholar on Climate Change and Clean Energy
·Senior Conservation Fellow, Center for Natural Resources and Environmental Policy, University of Montana
·Adjunct Associate Professor, Division of Biological Sciences, University of Queensland, Australia
·Former elected member to the Board of Governors of the Society for Conservation Biology. He is also a member of the Phi Zeta, the Veterinarian Honor Society, and was awarded a Henry Luce Scholar grant.
·Previously served as the Environment Program Officer for the Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation, the Associate Director of the , and the Program Director for the Wilburforce Foundation.
