Garodia Ki Dhani

Garodia Ki Dhani is a revenue village in the Jhunjhunu district of Rajasthan, India. It is approximately from the Nawalgarh tehsil. It is a part of Shekhawati. Garodia ki Dhani is Located in East of Nawalgarh nearby Pujari ki Dhani. It is 30 km from Sikar district Headquarter and 40 km from Jhunjhunu district Headquarter. Shri Ishrot Ka Balaji is famous Temple in Garodia Ki Dhani. Pramod Garodia is belong from here.Shrichand Garodia and Pramod Garodia are most famous Person in Garodia Ki Dhani. PIN No.of Garodia Ki Dhani is 333304.
The population of the village is 950-1000. There are 200 families residing in the village. 150 families are Jats. The biggest gotra of Jats in the village.
The village has a school and two clinics. The chief occupation is agriculture.