Garden City Public Schools

Garden City Public Schools is the school district of Garden City, Kansas.

Student body

7.8% of the students were of racial backgrounds other than non-Hispanic White, and about 75% were on free or reduced lunch. Students originated from at least 13 countries including Ethiopia, Burma, Vietnam, and several Spanish-speaking countries. languages spoken by students in USD 457 include Spanish, Arabic, Burmese, and Mandarin Chinese. In the preschool the majority of the students originated from Mexico and Central America and other significant groups included Burmese, Vietnamese, and African students, the latter from Ethiopia, Somalia, and other countries. In addition to English, Garden City schools have documents in Spanish and Vietnamese. Albert Kyaw, a translator of the school district, stated that the city was the most ethnically diverse community in the state of Kansas. The school has special newcomer classes for recent immigrants.
In 1980, 82% of the students were non-Hispanic Whites, 16% were Hispanic or Latino, 1% were black,.5% were Asian, and.5% were Native American. Hispanics included longtime American citizens and recent immigrants. The school demographics changed with the establishment of meatpacking plants. By 1988 64% were non-Hispanic White, 26% were Hispanic and Latino, slightly more than 6% were Asian, and slightly less than 2% were of other racial and ethnic minorities. 36% of elementary school students that year were of origins other than non-Hispanic White. In September 1995, 44% of the students were Hispanic or Latino, 4.5% were Asian, and about 3.5% were of other minority groups; that year non-Hispanic Whites were no longer the majority of the students.


High school:
Middle school:
Intermediate schools:
Elementary schools:
Early childhood: