Gangland Undercover is a Canadian-American factual based drama television series written and created by Executive Producer Stephen Kemp and co-writer Noel Baker. It was inspired by the story of Charles Falco a former ATFconfidential informant who infiltrated an outlaw motorcycle club. The series is based on the memoir Vagos, Mongols, and Outlaws: My Infiltration of America's Deadliest Biker Gangs written by Charles Falco with Kerrie Droban. It premiered on Tuesday, February 24, 2015, on the History Channel at 10/9c. In Canada, Season 2 premiered on September 26, 2016. In the U.S., only the first episode of season 2 aired on December 8, 2016 on A&E. According to the trailer, "the new season" premiered on March 2, 2017.
A description at the beginning of the first episode stated: "This program is based on Charles Falco's account of events that took place between 2003 and 2006, when he infiltrated one of America's most notorious biker gangs. Names, locations and key details have been changed to protect the identities of those involved." Opening Introduction :
Main cast
Damon Runyan as Charles Falco, meth dealer-turned-ATF confidential informant, undercover in the Vagos Motorcycle Club; he's nicknamed Quick, from a "hang-around", a prospect to a full-patched member. In Season 2, he is in the witness protection program and goes undercover as a prospect named Chef in the Mongols Motorcycle Club, and later a member of the Outlaws Motorcycle Club.
Ari Cohen as Mike Kozinski, ATF special agent and Falco's handler. In Season 2, as Ziggy, an undercover Mongols Sargeant-at-Arms, Pomona Chapter
Paulino Nunes as Schizo, Vagos President
James Cade as Stash, Vagos prospect-turned-full-patched member
Ian Matthews as Darko, Vagos Sergeant-at-Arms. In Season 2, he is an ATF CI as a member of the probationary chapter of the Outlaws.
Stephen Eric McIntyre as Kid, Vagos Vice President and Falco's prospect sponsor. In Season 2 as The Devil, Outlaws President
Don Francks as Lizard, Vagos Road Captain
Melanie Scrofano as Suzanna, Stella's friend and Falco's girlfriend
Season 2
Thomas Mitchell as Bullet, ATF special agent working undercover as a member of the Mongols, their Sargeant-at-Arms. He starts up a new probationary chapter for the Outlaws.
Hannah Anderson as Sarah Jane, a waitress at the Tulip Diner Charlie befriends
Daniel Williston as Hammer, former Vagos member and Schizo's buddy, believed to be a snitch
Michael Reventar as Thor, Falco's cellmate at FCI Lompoc
Alejandro Ampudia as El Toro Malo, head prison guard at FCI Lompoc
Brayden Jones as Lucky, past Mongols prospect turned member in 1977
Series overview
Season 1 (2015)
Season 2 (2016-2017)
Note: * The first episode first aired in the U.S. on December 8, 2016 on A&E. It re-aired on March 2, 2017, returning to History Channel; after the third episode the show was pulled from the schedule.