Gameleira de Goiás

Gameleira de Goiás is a municipality in central Goiás state, Brazil. The population in 2007 was 3,289 in a total area of 595 square kilometers.

Geographical Information

The distance to the state capital, Goiânia, is 99 km. Highway connections from Goiânia are made by BR-457 / GO-010 / Bonfinópolis / Leopoldo de Bulhões / Silvânia / GO-437..
Gameleira has municipal boundaries with Silvânia, Abadiânia, and Anápolis.

Political Data

The main economic activities are livestock raising, agriculture, and services.
Economic Data
Agriculture is based on cattle raising and growing of corn, sugarcane, rice, and soybeans.
In 2004 the cattle herd was 20,250 head, of which 6,000 were milking cows. The main agricultural products in planted area were soybeans, corn, beans, sorghum, tomatoes, and citrus fruits.