Galit Shmueli

Galit Shmueli is an Israeli industrial statistician who works in Taiwan as Tsing Hua Distinguished Professor at the Institute of Service Science, National Tsing Hua University, and Director of the Center for Service Innovation & Analytics at the university's College of Technology Management. She is the author of many textbooks in business statistics and is known for her work on information quality.

Education and career

After first-year studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Shmueli graduated summa cum laude from the University of Haifa in 1994, with a bachelor's degree in statistics and psychology. She then moved to the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology for graduate study in the statistics program of the faculty of industrial engineering and management, earning a master's degree in 1997 and completing her Ph.D. in 2000. Her dissertation, Run-Related Distributions and their Application to Industrial Statistics, was jointly supervised by Ayala Cohen and Paul D. Feigin.
After a visiting assistant professorship at Carnegie Mellon University, she became an assistant professor of statistics in the department of decision, operation, and information technologies in the Robert H. Smith School of Business at the University of Maryland, College Park in 2002. She moved to the Indian School of Business in Hyderabad as SRITNE Chaired Professor of Data Analytics in 2011, and moved again to National Tsing Hua University as Tsing Hua Distinguished Professor in 2014.
She is the founding editor-in-chief of the INFORMS Journal on Data Science.


Shmueli's books include:
Shmueli was named a Fellow of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics "for extraordinary contributions to statistical methods for biosurveillance, online commerce, and information quality, and for outstanding dissemination of statistical ideas through journal and textbook publications".