Gaecheon Light Railway

The Gaecheon Light Railway was a privately owned railway company in Japanese-occupied Korea.
On 13 May 1916 the Mitsui Mining Railway opened its first railway line, a narrow-gauge line from Gaecheon to Sinanju, where it connected with the Chosen Government Railway's Gyeongseong−Sinuiju mainline, the Gyeongui Line. The Mitsui Railway subsequently extended its line with a section from Gaecheon to Cheondong, which was opened on 1 December 1918. Passenger service was relatively frequent, with four daily return trips in 1920 between Sinanju and Jeondong; a fifth daily train ran between Sinanju and Gaecheon. In 1927 the company was reformed, becoming the Gaecheon Light Railway.
Sentetsu leased the new extension on 1 November 1932, in order to incorporate it into the Suncheon−Manpo Manpo Line then under construction; Sentetsu opened the first section, from Suncheon to Cheondong, on that same day. Sentetsu immediately began converting the Gaecheon–Cheondong section to standard gauge, completing this work on 15 July 1933, and incorporating it into the Manpo Line, whose second section from Gaecheon to Gujang was completed three months later, on 15 October 1933.
On 1 September 1933, Sentetsu bought the Gaecheon Light Railway out outright, and the remainder of the line was absorbed officially into the Sentetsu system, with the Gaecheon–Cheondong section becoming part of the Manp'o Line. The Sinanju−Gaecheon section, named the Gaecheon Line, however, remained a narrow-gauge line; it was only after the partition of Korea and the subsequent nationalisation of the railways in North Korea that it was converted to standard gauge. The Korean State Railway began the regauging work in March 1949, completing it in eight months.


In the November 1942 timetable, the last issued prior to the start of the Pacific War, Sentetsu - which by then had absorbed the Gaecheon Light Railway - was running six round trip passenger trains, third-class only, between Sinanju and Gaecheon daily; the trip was scheduled to take one hour and twenty-five minutes, and a ticket for the entire distance cost 60 sen.

Rolling Stock

Little information is available about the specifics of the locomotives and rolling stock used by the Gaecheon Light Railway. However, steam locomotive No. 1 and a wooden passenger car are preserved at the Pyongyang Railway Museum. Locomotive No. 1 was originally built by the Baldwin Locomotive Works of the United States for the South Manchuria Railway, which used it on the Anpo Line prior to its conversion to standard gauge; after the regauging of the line was complete, the engine was transferred to the Gaecheon Light Railway.
