Gacha Gacha

Gacha Gacha is a shōnen manga by Hiroyuki Tamakoshi. As of November 2008, the first 13 volumes have been published in North America by Del Rey Manga. However, according to the Anime News Network, the series ended in Japan at volume 11 of the second season. The reason for this discrepancy is likely because the series is broken up into two story arcs, essentially two different, unrelated stories, the first being "Capsule", and the second being "Secret". An interview with David Ury, the series' translator for Del Rey, shows that they were planning to release all of both arcs.


Capsule (Volumes 1–5)

Nanjou Kouhei has been classmates with Hanazono Kurara since elementary school, and he has recently realized that he has developed a crush on her. However, after a fateful trip to Hawaii, Kurara has started to behave oddly at times—specifically acting extremely promiscuous and flirting shamelessly for short periods, then remembering nothing. Kouhei is often the target of this flirtatious and exhibitionist behavior, leaving him to take the blame when Kurara returns to normal.
After one such episode, leaving Kouhei—and Kurara—in an uncomfortable position, Kurara tells Kouhei that she now has multiple personality disorder, with her other, uninhibited, personality being named Arisa. After her confession she enlists Kouhei's help in dealing with her while the Arisa personality is in control, as well as covering up the existence of her embarrassing promiscuous side from other people.
As Kouhei and Kurara try their best to control Arisa, several other personalities emerge: Alice, the young, questioning adolescent; Rin, the martial arts expert; and Meow, a housecat. As Kouhei and Kurara try their best to remove the disorder while controlling the wild and wacky personalities that emerge, their relationship begins to grow into love.

Secret (Volumes 1–11)

Known as Gacha Gacha: The Next Revolution in English, the Secret story arc starts in Japanese volume 1 of Gacha Gacha. It revolves around a malfunction at the Gacha Gacha virtual reality video game, which has since gone retail after the events in the Capsule story arc. The malfunction causes the main character, an unlucky young man named Akira Hatsushiba, to transform into a young girl whenever he sneezes. The body is the tutorial character's body with which he was interacting when the Gacha Gacha game crashed. He later finds out that eating natto would transform the girl form into a taller and much more buxom form.
Akira uses his newfound body to learn more about women, specifically getting closer and improving his relationship with the girl with whom he is infatuated, Yurika Sakuraba.


Gacha Gacha

;Kurara Hanazono
;Reona Grace Hitachi
;Karin Hanazono
;Ran Ran

Next Revolution

;Hatsushiba Akira
;Hatsushiba Akira
She is Akira Hatsushiba's female form. She was caused by a computer error during a dating game with Kikuchi. Even though she's a girl, she retains the mind and personality of Akira. She develops a friendship with the Sakuraba sisters. Kikuchi also falls for her, although with disastrous consequences. It is later found that eating natto in this form will transform the form into a taller and much more buxom form.
;Sakuraba Yurika
;Sakuraba Anju
;Sakuraba Ran
;Yun Haruna
;Masamune Kikuchi
;Morinoin Mitsuba