Gökçen, İzmir

Gökçen is a town in İzmir Province, Turkey


Gökçen is a town in Tire district of İzmir Province at . It is situated in bottom land and along a tributary of Büyük Menderes River. The distance to Tire is and to İzmir is. The population of Gökçen is 2499 as of 2011


The area around the town was inhabited during the Lydian era age. But the town of Gökçen was established in 1957 by merging two villages. Both of villages were Aydınoğlu villages in the 14th century. One was called Fetih and the other Karaehat The new name Gökçen refers to Gökçen Efe a folk hero of Turkish War of Independence, who fell in Fata in 1919.


Cattle breeding is the most important economic sector of the town. Olives and various fruits are among the main agricultural crops. There is also a tomato sauce factory and a sand quarry in the town.