The Future 50 Foods report, published in February 2019 by the World Wide Fund for Nature and Knorr, identifies 50 plant-based foods "that can boost the nutritional value of our meals whilst reducing the environmental impact of our food supply", and "promote a more sustainable global food system". According to Cooking Light, "This report was developed by experts in food sustainability, food security, nutrition, human rights and agriculture to help us understand how to eat for optimal health and a healthier planet." Eleanor Beardsley of NPR's Morning Edition said, "As it turns out, the way we humans eat is very much linked to preserving wildlife — and many other issues." Claiming a 60% decline in wildlife populations since 1970, David Edwards of WWF advocates addressing "the drivers of habitat loss and species collapse", identifying the biggest driver as global farming. Global Citizen said, "Adopting a plant-based diet can help reduce your carbon footprint and decrease greenhouse gas emissions." It quoted Peter Gregory in the report: "Diversified diets not only improve human health but benefit the environment through diversified production systems that encourage wildlife and more sustainable use of resources." The report identifies 12 plant sources and five animal sources that make up 75 percent of the food humans consume, and three crops accounting for about "60 percent of the plant-based calories in most diets". Criteria for inclusion on the list of 50 foods indicated they must be "highly nutritious, have as little impact on the environment as possible, affordable, accessible, and of course, tasty". The foods are grouped into the following categories: algae, beans and pulses, cacti, cereals and grains, vegetable-like fruits, leafy greens, mushrooms, nuts and seeds, root vegetables, sprouts, and tubers. The report offers five steps to identifying a future food: "focus on plant-based foods, optimize nutrient density, evaluate environmental impact, consider culture and flavor, and deliver diversity."