Futsal in Norway

In Norway, the 5-a-side indoor football version Futsal is one of the most growing sports.


The actual administration of leagues/series is divided between:
  1. The Football Association of Norway – member of UEFA/FIFA
  2. Indoor Football Scandinavia – member of AMF / UEFS
This due to several factors which is ultimately a dispute between FIFA and AMF:
NFF is a member organization of the Norwegian Sports Federation /Norwegian Olympic Committee , and by common law is recognized as a self governing authority for all organized football by the Norwegian state.
The highest authority of the NFF is the annual general assembly where all clubs are represented, and has the right of vote and speech. Therefore, NFF is ultimately controlled by independent member clubs and local football associations. This in turn is controlled by the individual member of a club.
A player is required to be a member of a club which are members of the NFF and pay licenses to compete, submit to official doping test, is a subject to the laws of the game and official decisions made by the International Football Association Board /FIFA and can be given disciplinary sanctions which are universal. This will result in that the player has official legal status as an eligible player in all league or international matches. And can officially claim the title as Norwegian Futsal Champion or FIFA Futsal World Champion.
Teams must meet certain organizational requirements and pay annual fees to the NFF.
The NFF Futsal laws of the game is in accordance with FIFA Futsal rules, the critical difference is:

NFF Futsal

The NFF has started up qualification for nationwide premiership league, 1st, 2nd 3rd divisions / regional / local F.A series.
The final make up of the NFF futsal organization will be cemented in 2008 after the qualification and after decisions made by the NFF and its general assembly.
Link to FIFA / NFF Futsal site
The IFS premiership consists of eight series:
Norwegian indoor-league with around 50 nationwide tournaments as qualifying rounds
- About 30.000 participants annually
- Over 25.000 teams has been registered
- No recurring obligations - each team has to sign up for every tournament they would like to attend. No running membership
- Diversity - both for teams with high ambitions and a stable participation, as well as for teams who focus more on the social aspect of futsal
Final rounds:
How far a team gets in the single tournaments finals will decide how many points the team achieves on the "marathon-ranking" for that specific city. The winning team gets 7 points, the second runner up gets 6 points, and so on. When the season is over, the Top 15 teams on the "marathon-ranking" in every city will meet for the ultimate finale rounds.