Fura (food)

Fura are millet dough balls eaten in Nigeria, Niger and Ghana.Fura da nono originates from the Fulani people of West Africa. It is a locally made drink prepared from a combination of fermented milk and ground millet grains. Sugar is added to the mixture to give it taste. It contains carbohydrate and fiber

Steps in preparing Fura

Millet is first washed and the peels are removed. It is then dried. Dried ginger, cloves, and chilli pepper are added and ground. After it is in a powdered form, the mixture is placed in mortar and pounded whiles water is sprinkled gradually. It then forms a dough and then molded to desirable shapes. The balls are cooked for some minutes in boiling water. It is allowed to cool down, then pounded again and water is sprinkled whiles pounding till it gets soft. It is molded again and dusted with the millet flour.

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