
A fritanga is a restaurant that makes home-style Nicaraguan foods. The staple foods at a fritanga may include gallo pinto, arroz blanco, carne asada, tajada frita, platano frito, maduros, yuca, queso frito, tortilla and cabbage salad. Fritangas also carry daily specials such as: salpicon, ropa vieja, carne desmenusada, and enchiladas, as well as speciality drinks and desserts/pastries. Fritangas have a cafeteria style of ordering and the food can be taken out or consumed at the establishment.
Fritanga is also the name given to a typical Latin American dish of fried foods. The Colombian fritanga, for example, combines different typical components such as morcilla, chorizo, chicharron, longaniza, chunchullo, maduros, papa criolla, and arepas.