French Way

The French Way is the most popular of the routes of the Way of St. James, the ancient pilgrimage route to Santiago de Compostela in Galicia, Spain. It runs from Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port on the French side of the Pyrenees to Roncesvalles on the Spanish side and then another 780km on to Santiago de Compostela through the major cities of Pamplona, Logroño, Burgos and León. A typical walk on the Camino francés takes at least four weeks, allowing for one or two rest days on the way. Some travel the Camino on bicycle or on horseback.
Paths from the cities of Tours, Vézelay, and Le Puy-en-Velay meet at Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port. A fourth French route originates in Arles, in Provence, and crosses the French–Spanish frontier at a different point, between the Pyrenees towns of Somport and Canfranc. This fourth route follows the Aragonese Way and joins the French Way at Puente la Reina, south of Pamplona, in Navarre, about 700 kilometres from Santiago de Compostela.
In 2017 roughly 60% of pilgrims traveled to Santiago de Compostela via the French Way according to statistics gathered by the Pilgrim's Office in Santiago.

Example itinerary

Though there is no set itinerary for this route, daily stages from major town to major town could be walked as follows:
#km from St-Jeankm to SantiagoDistanceBeginsArrivesPasses throughNotes
1076925Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port, FranceRoncesvalles Crosses the border of France and Spain in the western Pyrenees.
22574421.5Roncesvalles, SpainZubiriBurguete, Espinal, Viscarret, Linzoáin
346.5722.522ZubiriPamplonaLarrasoaña, Trinidad de Arre
468.5700.523.5PamplonaPuente la ReinaCizur Menor, Uterga, ObanosJoined by the Aragonese Way just before Puente la Reina.
59267722Puente la ReinaEstellaCirauqui, Lorca, Villatuerta
611465522EstellaLos ArcosVillamayor de Monjardín
713663328Los ArcosLogroñoTorres del Río, Sansol, VianaLeaving the province of Navarre, entering La Rioja
816460529LogroñoNájeraNavarrete, Ventosa
919357621NájeraSanto Domingo de la CalzadaAzofra
1021455523Santo Domingo de la CalzadaBeloradoGrañón, Redecilla del CaminoLeaving La Rioja, entering the Province of Burgos, Castille and León
1123753224BeloradoSan Juan de OrtegaTosantos, Villafranca Montes de Oca
1226150828San Juan de OrtegaBurgosAgés, Atapuerca, Olmos de Atapuerca
1328948040BurgosCastrojerizVillalbilla de Burgos, Tardajos, Rabé de las Calzadas, Hornillos del Camino, San Bol, Hontanas
1432944023CastrojerizFrómistaItero del Castillo, Puente de Fitero, Itero de la Vega, Boadilla del CaminoLeaving the province of Burgos, entering Palencia
1535241719FrómistaCarrión de los CondesPoblación de Campos, Villacázar de Sirga
1637139839Carrión de los CondesSahagúnCalzadilla de la Cueza, Ledigos, Terradillo del los Templarios, San Nicolás del Real Camino
1741035919.5SahagúnEl Burgo RaneroCalzada del Coto, Bercianos del Real Camino
18429.5339.538El Burgo RaneroLeónReliegos, Mansilla de las Mulas
19467.5301.524LeónVilladangos del Páramo
20491.5277.528Villadangos del PáramoAstorgaSan Martín del Camino, Hospital de Órbigo, Santibáñez de Valdeiglesias
21519.5249.520AstorgaRabanal del CaminoMurias de Rechivaldo, Santa Catalina de Somoza, El Ganso
22539.5229.532.5Rabanal del CaminoPonferradaManjarin, El Acebo, Riego de Ambros, MolinasecaHighest point of trail, 1515 metres above sea level, near Manjarin.
2357219723PonferradaVillafranca del BierzoCacabelos
2459517430Villafranca del BierzoO CebreiroPereje, Trabadelo, La Portela de Valcarce, Vega de Valcarce, Ruitelan, La FabaCrosses from León into Galicia.
2562514436.5O CebreiroSarriaHospital de la Condesa, Fonfría, Triacastela, Samos, Calvor
26661.5107.521SarriaPortomarínBarbadelo, FereirosThe last point at which a pilgrim can start the journey on foot or horseback and still complete the 100km needed to claim the compostela.
27682.586.524.5PortomarínPalas de ReiGonzar, Ventas de Naró, Ligonde
287076225.5Palas de ReiArzúaCasanova, Leboreiro, Melide, Ribadiso da Baixo
29732.536.536.5ArzúaSantiago de CompostelaSanta Irene, Arca do Pino, Monte do Gozo
