Frederic Raurell

Frederic Raurell i Ges is a Catalan Capuchin. He is doctor in theology and graduated in biblical and Semitic studies.


He has taught in the schools of the Sarrià Capuchins and he is exegesis and hermeneutics teacher in the Pontifical University Antonianum in Rome and in the. He is founder of the Biblical Association of Catalonia, of the International Organization for the Study of the Old Testament and of the International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies. He collaborated in the Bible of the Catalan Biblical Foundation and in the Comments to the Office of Readings. He is codirector of the review "Estudios Eclesiásticos", where he has published several studies.
He has also written about Franciscan matters. Lately he has also made some researches about his own family, about Sarrià, and about the time of the Spanish Civil War.


Frederic Raurell has published several articles and books The following ones must be pointed out: