Forest for the Trees (organization)

Established in 2013, Forest For The Trees is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the creation of contemporary public art. We bring local and international artists together in collaborative settings and provide resources and creative freedom to create lasting works that are publicly accessible to all of Portland, Oregon.
Their name is derived from the popular idiom see the forest for the trees. The organization hopes to pull Portlanders away from their daily routines and help them see the city as a literal canvas and gallery for artists, pedestrians, and big thinkers alike.
Forest For The Trees is organized by artist Gage Hamilton and curator Matt Wagner of Hellion Gallery. They believe that by improving the visual landscape of the city with quality artwork, and by providing ongoing opportunities for the artistic community, we can continually grow the presence of the arts in Portland.


Fifteen artists participated in 2013. Mural locations and artists include:
Twenty artists participated in 2014, creating twenty new public artworks.
In 2015, 29 artists produced 19 murals.