Foreign relations of the Republic of the Congo

For the two decades preceding the Republic of the Congo's 1991 National Conference, the country was firmly in the socialist camp, allied principally with the Soviet Union and other Eastern bloc nations. Educational, economic, and foreign aid links between Congo and its Eastern bloc allies were extensive, with the Congolese military and security forces receiving significant Soviet, East German, and Cuban assistance.
After the worldwide dissolution of the Soviet Union and Congo's adoption of multi-party democracy in 1991, Congo's bilateral relations with its former socialist allies have become relatively less important. France is now by far Congo's principal external partner, contributing significant amounts of economic assistance, while playing a highly influential role.
Congo-Brazzaville is also a member of the International Criminal Court with a Bilateral Immunity Agreement of protection for the US-military.
Membership in international organizations includes the United Nations, Organisation of African Unity, African Development Bank, General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, Economic Commission for Central African States, Central African Customs and Economic Union, International Coffee Organization, Union of Central African States, INTELSAT, International Criminal Police Organization - Interpol, Non-Aligned Movement, and Group of 77.
Disputes - international:
most of the Congo River boundary with the Democratic Republic of the Congo is indefinite area.

Bilateral relations

CountryFormal Relations BeganNotes
15 March 2007
Both countries established diplomatic relations on 15 March 2007.
22 February 1964See China-Republic of the Congo relationsOn February 22, 1964, China established diplomatic relations with the Republic of Congo.
  • India has an honorary consulate in Brazzaville.
  • Republic of the Congo maintains an embassy in New Delhi.
  • 31 July 1975
  • Republic of the Congo is accredited to Mexico from its embassy in Washington, D.C., United States.
  • Mexico is accredited to the Republic of the Congo from its embassy in Abuja, Nigeria
  • Congo has an embassy in Windhoek.
  • Namibia has an embassy in Brazzaville.
  • The Republic of the Congo has no embassy in Moscow. Russia has an embassy in Brazzaville.
    16 June 1990
    The diplomatic relations between the South Korea and the Republic of the Congo were established on 16 June 1990. Bilateral trade in 2011 totalled $52,940,000 exports, and $78,100,000 imports. The Congo was a major oil exporter to Korea.
    See Republic of the Congo-United States relations
    Diplomatic relations between the United States and Congo were broken during the most radical Congolese-Marxist period, 1965–77. The U.S. Embassy reopened in 1977 with the restoration of relations, which remained distant until the end of the socialist era. The late 1980s were marked by a progressive warming of Congolese relations with Western countries, including the United States. Congolese President Denis Sassou-Nguesso made a state visit to Washington in 1990, where he was received by President George H. W. Bush.
    • Republic of the Congo has an embassy in Washington, D.C.
    • United States has an embassy in Brazzaville.