Fogg Dam Conservation Reserve

The Fogg Dam Conservation Reserve is a protected area consisting of a wetland area approximately east of Darwin in the Northern Territory of Australia. It lies within the Adelaide and Mary River Floodplains, which is an Important Bird Area.
It attracts a wide range of local and migratory water birds and other wildlife including one of the largest populations of snakes within Australia, and includes several raised observation platforms.
Saltwater Crocodiles and Freshwater Crocodiles can be seen at Fogg Dam all year around.
Fogg Dam is open 24/7/365.

Species lists

TypeCommon nameScientific name
FinchesCrimson FinchNeochmia phaeton
MarshbirdsWhite-browed CrakeAmaurornis cinerea or Porzana cinerea
RaptorsWhite bellied Sea EagleHaliaeetus leucogaster
RaptorsWhistling KiteHaliastur sphenurus
SeabirdsWhiskered TernChlidonias hybrida or Chlidonias hybridus
WadersLittle CurlewNumenius minutus
WadersAustralian PratincoleStiltia isabella
WadersMasked LapwingVanellus miles
WarblersGolden-headed CisticolaCisticola exilis
WaterbirdsNankeen Night HeronNycticorax caledonicus

TypeCommon nameScientific name
WaterbirdsB Cattle EgretArdea ibis
WaterbirdsAustralian White IbisThreskiornis moluccus
WaterbirdsGlossy IbisPlegadis falcinellus
WaterbirdsStraw-necked IbisThreskiornis spinicollis
WaterbirdsBlack-necked Stork or JabiruEphippiorhynchus asiaticus
WaterbirdsBrolgaGrus rubicunda
WaterfowlMagpie GeeseAnseranas semipalmata

TypeCommon nameScientific name
MarshbirdsBlack-winged Stilt, Common Stilt, or Pied StiltHimantopus himantopus
MarshbirdsComb-crested Jacana or LilytrotterIrediparra gallinacea
WaterbirdsIntermediate EgretMesophoyx intermedia
WaterbirdsRoyal SpoonbillPlatalea regia
WaterbirdsYellow-billed SpoonbillPlatalea flavipes
WaterbirdsLittle Egret or Lesser EgretEgretta garzetta immaculata
WaterbirdsPied HeronArdea picata or Egretta picata
WaterbirdsGreat Egret or Great WhiteArdea alba

TypeCommon nameScientific name
SeabirdLittle Black CormorantPhalacrocorax sulcirostris
SeabirdLittle Pied CormorantPhalacrocorax melanoleucos
SeabirdDarterAnhinga melanogaster
SeabirdAustralian PelicanPelecanus conspicillatus
WaterfowlGreen Pygmy-gooseNettapus pulchellus
WaterfowlPlumed Whistling DuckDendrocygna eytoni
WaterfowlWandering Whistling DuckDendrocygna arcuata
WaterfowlPacific Black DuckAnas superciliosa

TypeCommon nameScientific name
KoelEastern KoelEudynamys orientalis
Bee-eaterRainbow Bee-eaterMerops ornatus
HoneyeaterBlue-faced HoneyeaterEntomyzon cyanotis
A HoneyeaterDusky HoneyeaterMyzomela obscura
A HoneyeaterRufous-banded HoneyeaterConopophila albogularis
HoneyeaterRufous-throated HoneyeaterConopophila rufogularis
WagtailWillie WagtailRhipidura leucophrys
KingfisherForest KingfisherTodiramphus macleayii
ChatYellow ChatEpthianura crocea