Flea flicker

A flea flicker is an unorthodox play, often called a "trick play", in American football which is designed to fool the defensive team into thinking that a play is a run instead of a pass. It can be considered an extreme variant of the play action pass and an extension of the halfback option play.


After the snap the quarterback hands off or laterals the football to a running back or another player on his team, who then runs towards or parallel to the line of scrimmage. Before the running back crosses the line of scrimmage, he laterals the football back to the quarterback, who looks to pass to an eligible receiver.
The play is designed to draw defensive players into defending against the run, and away from defending the pass, leaving the quarterback free from any immediate pass rush, and leaving receivers potentially open to catch a pass as their covering defenders may have moved off the pass looking to tackle a ball carrier. The elaborate back-and-forth with the ball also gives time for receivers to get downfield, opening up an opportunity for the long bomb.
The flea flicker is an extremely high-risk play and one that is extremely difficult to pull off successfully; a failed flea-flicker can cause substantial loss of yardage or a turnover. The problem is that it takes a significant amount of time for the play to develop. This poses two related problems: one, the offensive line, in order to convincingly sell the run, cannot set up the traditional pocket until after the running back pitches the ball back to the quarterback, and if any lineman crosses the line of scrimmage, it is an ineligible player downfield, negating the play. Two, the long time involved in the handoff, run and pitch back to the quarterback takes away time for the quarterback to make his reads. This makes the quarterback far more prone to being sacked or making a bad read of the defense and throwing an interception. The fact that the ball changes hands three times after the snap also means that there are three opportunities to lose possession of the ball because of a botched throw or catch attempt.


coach Bob Zuppke is credited with the play's invention. The flea flicker made its debut in Illinois' 1925 game against Penn as a fake field goal with Earl Britton, Red Grange, and Chuck Kassel; with Britton lining up as a kicker and Grange at holder, the former and threw to Kassel, who lateraled the ball to Grange. Grange would score a 20-yard touchdown on the play.

Notable examples

Flea flicker plays have been used in some key National Football League games, including the Super Bowl, leading to dramatic results: