is an online media company that provides the latest news, commentary and expert content on Financial Services Regulation in the U.S. and around the world. FinReg21 was founded in March 2009, which is 6 months after the start of the 2008 Financial Crisis. David S. Evans is the Editor-In-Chief for FinReg21. David is an expert in economics, Financial Regulation, and the Payments industry. is a joint venture between Market Platform Dynamics and Sift Groups.
There are six main components to FinReg21's website:
Lombard Street
Channel 21
Who's Who
The website's editor-in-chief is David S. Evans of the University of Chicago and University of College London.
The News section of the website has two main components: Exclusive News and Aggregated News from the Web Exclusive News The Exclusive News portion of the website contains original content that is written by Darrell Delamaide, a reporter located in Washington, D.C. The exclusive news section boasts breaking headline news stories that is updated once per day. Aggregated News from the Web The Aggregated News portion of the website contains breaking Financial Regulatory news stories from top sources across the Web including the Reuters, Business Wire, and PR Newswire.
The Commentary section of the site is an aggregation of expert blogs from around the web as well as commentary from the LinkedIn Group, Proposals for the Reform of the Financial Services Industry. Some top bloggers that are aggregated on the site include Simon Johnson, Scott Sumner, Paul Krugman, and Daniel Kauffman.
Channel 21 is FinReg21's multimedia channel. This section contains Expert Webcasts, Podcasts, and Power Player Profiles. Expert Webcasts These Webcasts are done about once per week and they focus on the hot topics that are currently featured in the news. They are typically moderated by David S. Evans but some other moderators include Emilios Avgouleas and Geoffrey Manne. Some Featured Webcasts include:
Obama’s "White Paper" on Regulation Reform with Robert Litan, Peter Wallison and Lawrence White
Podcasts Podcasts are expert to expert interviews that usually last about 30 minutes. Some experts that have been interviewed are Bill Isaac, John Reed and Laura Tyson. Power player Profiles These profiles highlight important people in the Financial Services Industry.
Who's Who is the community aspect to Its purpose is to bring together experts in the industry to interact and network with one another. There are Organization Profiles as well as Individual Profiles on Who's Who.