Fidel (2002 film)

Fidel is a 2002 mini-series by David Attwood that describes the Cuban revolution and political career of Fidel Castro. The total duration of the film is 200 minutes, but the video-version is shorter. Gael García Bernal would later reprise his role as Che Guevara in the film The Motorcycle Diaries.


The film is almost documentary in its portrayal of facts. It claims to be based strongly on facts, apart from some adaptations like merging various characters into one.
After two hours, the film changes dramatically. The first two hours are about the six years before the fall of Batista's dictatorship. The last hour is about the 40 years after that.
In the first two hours, Castro regularly distances himself from Communism and Communists, but after the take-over, the film suggests that Castro had always aspired a Marxist-Leninist State.


Being a US film, it uses US terminology, such as use of the word Communism instead of Socialism, which is the word used in Cuba. There is, though, nuance to take into account: the Cuban communist party was called People's Socialist Party, but the Cubans did refer to them as "communists". Also, the US is referred to as 'America' and the continent as 'the Americas', whereas the term 'America' is in Cuba reserved for the Continent.

Historical Characters

Along with Fidel Castro, Che Guevara and Fulgencio Batista, over a dozen other historical characters are featured, including: