Fiction set in ancient Rome

Historical novels arranged by the period of their setting

Rome as a Kingdom

If you know of works set in the pre-Republican era, please expand this section.
If you know of works set in the Early Republic, please expand this section.
If you know of works set in the Middle Republic, please expand this section.
  1. Africanus, el hijo del cónsul
  2. Las legiones malditas
  3. La traición de Roma
Books about early Christians or the Christ include:
Books about Claudius or set in his reign include:
Books set in Nero's reign include:
  1. Los asesinos del emperador
  2. Circo Máximo
“Flavius Aetius: the Last Conqueror and Flavius Aetius: Twilight of Empines” by Jose Gomez Rivera III set in the religious-olitival struggles of Russia
The following alternate history novels are set in fictional universes where Rome's struggle with Carthago went differently
The following alternate history novels are set in fictional universes where the Roman Empire never fell, and has endured to the present day:
The following alternate history novels are set in fictional universes where Julius Caesar survived his assassination attempt:

Science fiction