Felis Creations

Felis Creations is a Bangalore, Karnataka-based film production company founded in 2006 by Sandesh Kadur. It produces factual programs for international broadcast. Felis Creations is also involved in wildlife documentation and conservation activities in collaboration with Wildlife Conservation Organizations. Felis creations was the producer for recent TV series Planet Earth II broadcast by the BBC.


Felis Creations is a content partner with photography organizations like International League of Conservation Photographers and ARKive. It also collaborates with wildlife organizations like Wildlife SOS and Gorgas Science Foundation, Meet Your Neighbours.

Current & Past Productions

ProgrammeClientDirectorYear of CompletedNotes
Eastern Himalaya - Ancient Risks Future ThreatsATREESandesh Kadur2015Short Documentary
Kalia The Lost GibbonNitya Sood, Nikhil Virdi2016Short Documentary
Malaika Vaz, Nitya Sood2016Short Documentary


Other Projects

Felis images

Felis images is the stock photo department, which is a supplier of stock images for magazines and wildlife field guides. The company also caters wildlife footage to broadcast corporations like BBC and National Geographic Channel under the name Felis Images