Fee Fi Fo Yum was a British children's television game show presented by Les Dennis. Two teams of five "humunchies" compete in a series of challenges on the dinner table of Brian the Giant. The losing team is then eaten by the giant. It premiered in 2010 on BBC One’s CBBC broadcasting block, and ran for two 13-episode series.
Fee Fi Fo Yum is broadcast on a fictional channel called Giant Televisiom and features a number of spoof advertisements for pretend products used by giants. These include "The Guff Muffler" ; '"Bot-Buster" ; "Grimo" ; "Stinks" and "Nan In a Can". There were also weather reports from Windy Wendy, GTV's residentweather girl. Jim Elastic provided giant-sized exercise routines. Two teams of five children compete in four preliminary rounds to game a time advantage in the final round, "The Great Escape": a physical target game played by two randomly-selected players on each team; "Les’s Tasty Challenge", in which each team predicts how many mouthfuls of a mystery meal Les can eat in 30 seconds; a physical puzzle game played by the remaining three players who did not play the first game, again chosen randomly; and finally "Ad Analysis", a buzzer round in which teams answer five questions about what they have seen in and heard from the last two spoof adverts. The winners of the first three rounds win a five-second lifeline. Each correct answer in Ad Analysis is worth a two-second lifeline.
Series 1 of Fee Fi Fo Yum originally aired from 10 September 2010 on BBC One until 3 December 2010, but was also repeated on BBC Two and most notably, CBBC. The show was renewed for a second series which aired from 27 May 2011 until 26 August 2011. Fee Fi Fo Yum was later cancelled and has not been repeated since. The only remaining footage of the show is two clips available on the official website.
Series 1 (2010)
Series 2 (2011)
These games will save the winning team by rewarding them 5-second life.
Fast-food challenges
Chop Chop - Once a Friday night, Brian orders a chow mein from the Chinese take-away, however the take-away accidentally put peas in, and Brian hates peas. So it's their challenge using the chopsticks to place the peas on their team's plate. The chow mein with the most peas on their plate will then win a 5 second life line.
Feed Me - Brian's favourite food apart from humunchies is sprouts and meatballs. So it's their challenge using the catapults made out of matches and plasters to fire the sprouts and the meatballs into Brian's mouth.. Whoever feeds him the most wins a 5 seconds life line.
Beans on toast - Brian likes beans on toast, so the teams need to catapult beans onto toast with teaspoons attached to matches. The team with the most beans on the toast will win a 5 second life line
Keep Me Sweet - When Brian watches Fee Fi Fo Yum he loves a great cup of tea, however he loves it sickly sweet. So it's their challenge using the teaspoons attached to matches to fire the sugar cubes into the cup. The team with the most sugar lumps in their tea will win a 5 second life line.
Les' tasty challenge
Brian has sneaked in Les' worst food and Les must eat it up in 30 seconds. Before the challenge both teams have to come up with an answer and one with the closest answer by the time runs out will win the next 5 second life-line.
Jigsaw challenges
Lucky Numbers - Brian has a lucky number and wants the humunchies to make it for him. So he's taken out all his fridge magnets and placed them in the lime jelly. 3 humunchies must scavenge the numbers and place them on the tinfoil in front of them. They can only carry 5 magnets at a time, The 1st team to create correct sum equaling the number the number will win the next 5 second life-line.
Alphabet soup - Brian likes to play with his food especially alphabet soup to the teams need to take out the letters and put them onto toast, they can only carry 8 letters at a time. The team that makes the longest word will win a 5 second life line.
Chip Of The Old Block - A lonely Brian has made himself little buddies. However, since they're made out of spuds they're called "Spuddies". 1 will choose which part to place whilst in the tomato soup or blanc mange and the other 2 choosing it where it goes. The 1st team to make an identical Spuddy will win the 5 second life-line. Each one is similar to Mr Potato Head.
Biccie Break. Before Brian got the chance to try his "Choccie Gob" biscuits during the break, he accidentally spilled it in custard or blanc mange. One humunchie must search for each piece of Choccie Gob and pass it to their 2 teammates. The 1st to make their biscuit will win the 5 second life-line.
Ad Analyis
This will test their memory for this challenge. They must look at 2 gruesome Ads and Les will answer the questions. The first to buzz in will answer the question 1st. Get it right and they win a 2 second life-line. However get it wrong, hesitate or failure to answer, will mean they have to pass it over to the other team, if they make the same mistakes, nobody wins the life-line.
Brian doesn't pick anymore; the teams must pick that person for The Great Escape. Brain has locked their teammates in the Scales of justice. Only one Team can free them, but facing them is The Great Escape: five awesome obstacles.
A tyre-path speed obstacle known as "The Doughnut Dash".
A tunnel filled with meatballs to hinder them known as "The Kitchen Roll Crawl".
A rolling pinbalance beam with Brian swinging 2 teabags on each hand to make it more difficult known as "The Rolling Pin Run".
A physical and mental challenge building a path to Brian's bowl known as "The Choc-bar Challenge".
A challenge that once in the bowl, they must ascend a slope to freedom known as "The Slippery Slope To The Rope".
The team that makes it to the top of the slope will pull the rope, releasing the victorious team and they will go downthe freedom chute. The other team is eaten by Brian. If both players free their teams, then both of them are the winners and brian is not happy. However, the round would also end when brian stops the players, saying he is tired of waiting for a player to free their team so he decides to eat both teams. Les accepts this because Brian is the boss and both teams end up as the losers.