Federal Office of Economics and Export Control

The Federal Office for Economic Affairs and Export Control is a German federal agency. The BAFA is authorised to make the final decision on whether German goods are permitted for export.


The predecessor Bundesamt für Wirtschaft was founded in 1954. Its original name was Bundesamt für gewerbliche Wirtschaft. In 1975 it moved to Eschborn, where in 1975 the Bundesausfuhramt came into being. Eventually both offices got combined.


Foreign trade

The office oversees German exports in general and the export of weaponry and dual-use technology in particular. The BAFA keeps detailed lists of goods which have to be scrutinized before a consent is possible. Hereby it considers embargos and international regulations such as the Chemical Weapons Convention and the Nuclear Suppliers Group.
On behest of the European Union the BAFA also enforces the Union's regulations concerning the import of specific goods including textile and steel.
Moreover, the office supports countries outside the European Union in case they are about to establish their own export control systems.

Promotion of economic development

The BAFA strives to improve the competitiveness of small and medium enterprises. It promotes management consulting, helps companies to present their products at international trade fairs etc.

Energy and environmental protection

The main goal is to promote efficient energy use as well as establishing a sustainable energy supply. The office's programmes for that matter pursue for example a growing use of cogeneration. This includes incentives for evolvements in the field of renewable energy on the grounds of solar thermal energy, biomass and heat pumps. The BAFA also offers professional certification for appropriate constructions and consultants for energy conservation.