Fast-growing hierarchy

In computability theory, computational complexity theory and proof theory, a fast-growing hierarchy is an ordinal-indexed family of rapidly increasing functions fα: NN. A primary example is the Wainer hierarchy, or Löb–Wainer hierarchy, which is an extension to all α < ε0. Such hierarchies provide a natural way to classify computable functions according to rate-of-growth and computational complexity.


Let μ be a large countable ordinal such to every limit ordinal α < μ there is assigned a fundamental sequence. A fast-growing hierarchy of functions fα: NN, for α < μ, is then defined as follows:
Here fαn = fα) denotes the nth iterate of fα applied to n, and α denotes the nth element of the fundamental sequence assigned to the limit ordinal α.
The initial part of this hierarchy, comprising the functions fα with finite index, is often called the Grzegorczyk hierarchy because of its close relationship to the Grzegorczyk hierarchy; note, however, that the former is here an indexed family of functions fn, whereas the latter is an indexed family of sets of functions.
Generalizing the above definition even further, a fast iteration hierarchy is obtained by taking f0 to be any increasing function g: NN.
For limit ordinals not greater than ε0, there is a straightforward natural definition of the fundamental sequences, but beyond ε0 the definition is much more complicated. However, this is possible well beyond the Feferman–Schütte ordinal, Γ0, up to at least the Bachmann–Howard ordinal. Using Buchholz psi functions one can extend this definition easily to the ordinal of transfinitely iterated -comprehension.
A fully specified extension beyond the recursive ordinals is thought to be unlikely; e.g., Prӧmel et al. note that in such an attempt "there would even arise problems in ordinal notation".

The Wainer hierarchy

The Wainer hierarchy is the particular fast-growing hierarchy of functions fα obtained by defining the fundamental sequences as follows :
For limit ordinals λ < ε0, written in Cantor normal form,
For n > 0, the alternative version has one additional ω in the resulting exponential tower, i.e. λ = ωω...ω with n omegas.
Some authors use slightly different definitions, and some define this hierarchy only for α < ε0.
To continue beyond ε0, see the Fundamental sequences for the Veblen hierarchy.

Points of interest

Following are some relevant points of interest about fast-growing hierarchies:
The functions at finite levels of any fast-growing hierarchy coincide with those of the Grzegorczyk hierarchy:
Beyond the finite levels are the functions of the Wainer hierarchy :