Farpoint Observatory


Farpoint Observatory is an astronomical observatory owned and operated by the Northeast Kansas Amateur Astronomers' League, or NEKAAL. It is located on the grounds of Mission Valley High School at Eskridge, near Auburn, Kansas, approximately southwest of Topeka, Kansas, United States.


Farpoint Observatory is International Astronomical Union observatory code 734, and is home to the Farpoint Asteroid Search Team, which has an international reputation having discovered more than 330 non-NEO asteroids in addition to many in NEO orbits. As of January 1, 2014, Farpoint observers had contributed more than minor planet observations to the IAU Minor Planet Center.
NEKAAL received a $56,060 grant from NASA's Near Earth Objects tracking program to acquire and install at Farpoint the Pitt telescope from Lindley Hall, University of Kansas. After full refurbishment, the telescope now measures 27 inches in aperture, 9 feet 3 inches in length, with weight of 1,600 pounds.
The main-belt asteroid 23989 Farpoint, discovered by amateur astronomers Gary Hug and Graham E. Bell at Farpoint in 1999, was named for the observatory.

List of discovered minor planets

25 June 2000
26 August 2001
11 October 2001
5 March 2002
4 September 1999
14 January 2000
5 May 2000
26 August 2001
11 October 2001
10 October 2002
20 September 2003
7 July 2000
17 February 2001
3 February 2000
17 March 2001
5 November 1999
29 November 2002
19 August 2001
7 September 2004
10 November 2005
22 March 2002
5 April 2002
29 November 2002
3 August 2007
2 July 2006

4 May 2002
7 January 2007
17 February 2001
15 January 2002
1 August 2005
4 February 2002
27 December 2005
3 May 2002
29 September 2002
24 July 2006
15 November 1999
23 July 2000
22 March 2002
6 October 2001
28 July 2005
26 December 2006
5 March 2002
29 September 2002
30 November 2005
11 October 2001
1 July 2006
13 September 2006
30 November 2005
13 September 2006
19 September 2006