Fabrizio Pregadio

Fabrizio Pregadio is a Sinologist and a translator of Chinese language texts into English related to Taoism and Neidan. He is currently affiliated with the International Consortium for Research in the Humanities. Earlier, Pregadio taught at the University of Venice, the Technical University of Berlin, Stanford University, McGill University in Montreal, and the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg.
His research interests are the Taoist views of the human being; the self-cultivation traditions of Taoism; their foundations in early Taoist works; and their relation to Chinese traditional sciences, including cosmology, alchemy, and medicine.
Pregadio is the author of Great Clarity: Daoism and Alchemy in Early Medieval China and the editor of The Encyclopedia of Taoism. His translations of Taoist texts include the Wuzhen pian, the Cantong qi, the Ruyao jing, and a work by the Taoist master Liu Yiming, all published by Golden Elixir Press.