F. J. McCormick

F. J. McCormick was an Irish actor who became known for his work at Dublin's Abbey Theatre. He joined the Abbey at age 19, and acted in some 500 productions there, a list of which can be found in the Abbey Theatre Archive. He is especially remembered for his work in the plays of Seán O'Casey.
He acted in four films, including John Ford's version of O'Casey's The Plough and the Stars and Carol Reed's Odd Man Out, in which he played the opportunistic Shell. He died in 1947 of a brain tumour.
In their review of the film Hungry Hill, The New York Times wrote, "As the butler who served John Brodrick, his sons, and their sons in turn, the late F. J. McCormick is truly magnificent, giving an even more subtle portrayal of Irish character than he did as the wily tramp in Odd Man Out."