Fărâmiță Lambru

Fărâmiţă Lambru was a well-known Romani lăutar from Romania.


Fărâmiţă Lambru was born in a family of lăutari. As a child, he learned how to sing from his father, Tudor Fărâmiţă. He collaborated with Maria Tănase from 1953 until Maria Tănase died. Fărâmiţă Lambru started his own career as an accordion player and conductor.
Between 1952 and 1956, he was an instrumentalist in the folk music ensemble of the Bucharest Estates Theater, and in 1956 he moved to the band "Constantin Tănase". In 1967, he made his acting debut, playing in the musical "Groapa" as the singer Zavaidoc.
Between 1963-1970 he served as bandmaster, vocal and lead singer of the folk music band at the "Vasilescu" Regional Theater in Bucharest.
He took artistic tours in France, in the German Democratic Republic, Italy and Moscow, U.S.S.R., gaining international fame. Returning to his home country, he made new recordings on the Electrecord record label.