Ey Iran

Ey Iran is an Iranian popular patriotic song, which many Iranians consider the unofficial de facto national anthem of Iran.


"Ey Irān" anthem was composed in 1944 in Tehran. The lyrics were written by Hossein Gol-e-Golab and the music was composed by Ruhollah Khaleqi, and it was first performed and recorded by the classical Persian music singer Gholam-Hossein Banan.
Gol-e-Golab was inspired to write the song by patriotism. He has been quoted to have said: "In 1944, the footsteps of the invading armies in the streets were enough to rattle any patriot and inspired me to write this anthem. Professor Ruhollâh Kâleqi wrote the music and despite all the political opposition, it found its way into the heart and soul of the people."
"Ey Irân" is sometimes mistaken for being the former Iranian national anthem. It was always used as the unofficially National Anthem since it was released from 1944, as people never liked the official National Anthems. Though the National Anthem in the Shah times was recognized but people still liked Ey Iran more.
Today, Iranian opposition groups both inside and outside of Iran do not recognize the current official anthem of the Islamic Republic of Iran as the "national anthem," instead using "Ey Irân" anthem at all gatherings and ceremonies.
For decades, many groups and singers have performed "Ey Irân". Among the most popular renditions is a 1991 version arranged for voice, choir and orchestra by Golnuš Xāleqi, daughter of Rowhollāh Xāleqi. In this version the vocal soloist was Rashid Vatandust and Esfandiar Gharabaghi.


The official lyrics below in Persian are represented in the Perso-Arabic script, along with the romanization of Persian as well as an.
Ey Irân ey marze por gohar
Ey xâkat sarcešmeye honar
Dur az to andišeye badân
Pâyande mâni to jâvedân
Ey došman ar to sange xâreyi, man âhanam
Jâne man fadâye xâke pâke mihanam
Mehre to con šod pišeam
Dur az to nist andišeam
Dar râhe to key arzeši dârad in jâne mâ
Pâyande bâd xâke Irâne mâ
Sange kuhat dorro gohar ast
Xâke daštat behtar az zarast
Mehrat az del key borun konam
Bargu bimehre to cun konam
Tâ gardeše jahâno dowre âsemân bepâst
Nure izadi hamiše rahnamâye mâst
Irân ey xorram behešte man
Rowšan az to sarnevešte man
Gar âtaš bârad be peykaram
Joz mehrat dar del naparvaram
Az âbo xâko mehre to serešte šod gelam
Mehr agar borun ravad tohi šavad delam


English translations