Expert as a service

Expert-as-a-Service is an online delivery model of human consulting and/or automated knowledge transfer. Similarly to SaaS the concept of ExaaS comes from the remote nature of processing data and/or providing service. The user of ExaaS accesses the service through a webpage, VoiP, IM, etc. or any related mobile app. Typical ExaaS providers are consultants, lawyers, physicians, teachers etc.
Biztech Magazine claims that "...Everything as a service...Clouding Will Disrupt the World..." and according to Business2Customers magazine there are "...3 Reasons Why Experts-as-a-Service is the Future of Consulting..."
ExaaS is the general term for newer consulting or expertise based online services like CaaS or JaaS
CaaS companies or individuals deliver online consulting services
According to BusinessInsider JaaS companies "...Find You Money You Didn't Know You Were Owed..." by providing legal or consumer rights services. And according to Henrik Zillmer "...There’s a new wave of customer empowerment coming..."
He lists honourable mentions of JaaS services like Paribus, AirHelp, Compensair, Fixed, BillFixers, 71lbs )