Eva Pebay-Peyroula

Eva Pebay-Peyroula is a French biologist and physicist. She studies the functions of membrane proteins and in particular membrane transporters.



Eva Pebay-Peyroula studied at the Lycée Stendhal in Grenoble where she started to take an interest in science. She then enrolled in the preparatory classes for the "Grandes Écoles". She became interested in meteorology and enrolled in a school to study this field. She reoriented herself towards physics at the University of Grenoble-Alpes where she completed a master's degree. In 1979, she obtained her agrégation in physics. She taught for two years at a high school in Nimes. She completed a "Diplome d'études approfondies" on the interaction between radiation and matter and decided to turn to research. She did her doctoral research in atomic physics at the Laboratoire national des champs magnétiques intense under the direction of Rémy Jost. In 1986, she defended her doctoral thesis on ethanedial at Joseph-Fourier University.


After her thesis, she obtained a position as a research fellow at the CNRS at the Laue-Langevin Institute. In 1989, she was appointed lecturer at Joseph-Fourier University. In 1992, she joined the Institute of Structural Biology. In 1994 she obtained a university degree and became a professor in 1995 at the University of Grenoble-Alpes. In 2001, she created the membrane protein laboratory at the Institute of Structural Biology. From 2004 to 2014, she was director of this institute. In May 2010, she was appointed chairman of the board of directors of the National Research Agency. She held this position until 2012. She has been a member of the Strategic Research Council since 2014.


She is married and has three children.

Positions and awards